Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Develop An Adderallallergy

It's actually pretty darn good

Tuesday 31 August 2010, SENT BY NEIL in 0:08

From right to left: Richard Clark (director), Steven Moffat (Show Runner / Lead Writer), Matt Smith (actor), I (author of the episode). I do not know why Matt's head and my resolve to light.

What would you like to know?

Actually it does not matter, know what you want. All I can say is that the reading was remarkable, the guest stars or stars will be great, Matt is great, Arthur is wonderful and I was allowed Karen (which is amazing), say hello.

I had after reading a meeting with the producers and the director, in the things that have put in order or should be clear, the language came ("So we need to change the still, without being so much longer and costs money. Ok? ") But nothing that would have to be rewritten again, just cosmetic stuff, and I should have hammer out tomorrow or Thursday.

(The best set of S. Moffat: "Look, you understand it and I understand it, but we are science fiction people, the other 100 percent of the audience. may not understand it. ")

The plan is still the third episode of the next season of Doctor Who . Only if you do not know what I'm talking in general.


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