Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Had My Cervix Stretched

Nine scenes from my life (and drawing)

TUESDAY, 19 October 2010; POSTED BY NEIL 22:03

I will not write much about the Camp Fire, is not about what happened, and not who was there, because it actually was a very private matter.

first I was suspicious. I have a lot of late 60s and early 70s SF-TV productions seen. And whenever a group is flown by creatives from a private plane to a secret location, they will be there either brainwashed or clones replaced that are sent back instead of in the society with a secret and potentially fatal Plan .

private aircraft. Check. Mystery location. Check.

Uh oh.

So I spent most of the season and also the first day of Camp Fire in the conviction that all this is too good to actually be true, and I always expected that on my return my room is a duplicate of the closet, with a silver gun in his hand ...

Everything has pointed out. Aha, I thought, as the buses came: THE TERRAIN. I expected barbed wire fence and enormously large dogs and saw no way out, our loved ones still tell what happened to us while the robot duplicates instead we return to the world.

The site turned out to be a nice local restaurant.

You could bring someone and (because Amanda still makes Cabaret and Maddy on a school trip), I took my literary agent, Merrilee Heifetz, not as my agent, but about when a friend with, now for 23. She had a wonderful time, as I do.

photo of Seth Godin

I left Camp Fire, revitalized and with a fresh approach art, and I was really looking forward to go back and work and back to . Leave I met some old friends, new friends met, learned many things and I was happy.

Here are two of these new friends --- Aubrey de Grey (left) and Dr Sarah Marr (blog: http : / / ). Aubrey, who has a beard, which could make the young Alan Moore competition is quite astonishing orator and advocate of treating age as a malignant disease. I spent most of the four-hour flight to New York to ask him really difficult questions and enjoy the answers. Your site , and I hope that I soon wrote about Aubrey and is going. (And Sarah me my own link from here has promised to if I do.)

And then I came home. (I came with a signed Armistead Maupin edition of Mary Ann in the Autumn home, and had told Armistead Maupin, how much of the Sandman, the Tales of the City owes. I read it now and love it.)

In the time when I was away, is Maddy has grown even more and has had his hair cut and young in a confident woman developed ...

seen here with her real father and original, and almost certainly not brainwashed and no Androidenkopie that was sent back to the world, to wreak havoc: recovering

Cabal still from her operation: was his spine decompressed and now he runs again. He can not walk properly again and must be kept on a leash (lead or leash for the Americans), so he runs after not any exciting bunny.

Last night, in the early morning hours, he could not get up and started because of the pain to scream. I have this never before heard of him. I know that German Shepherds have a ridiculously high pain thresholds, so when he was hurt, it did so more than ever before. That was really bad. I held him until he could stand again, and then given his medicine and was worried what I do and still do as much in addition will until he runs and runs without problems.

Meanwhile, Lola has grown considerably and has increased (most by eating the two dinners, my opinion) and she is beautiful and fast and smart.

But Cabal is still my dog and it is thought well, not my dog in the same way. It is a good friend, he is family.


And a few quick reminders: If you know what is Wootstock, you need not go on to find an explanation. For the Event that you do not know, go to and read everything you find there.

On 2 November I will Will Wheaton on the Austin Texas Woodstock represented. You can find all the information and also a way to buy tickets at

I think the tickets will be sold quickly. And if you can not want me, are there other People, people with talent and humor. And if this is not enough, Paul and Storm are almost certain to perform their song Captain's Wife's Lament .

Austin. Located in Texas. Three days before Guy Fawkes Night. What they probably celebrate in Texas no more.


Here's a long interview with me in Vulture - html

Somewhere I talk about the peculiarities of privacy and blogging and would like to mention Amanda, who is under of-embarrassment-art-random-thoughts-of , a journal, and also wondering (and I think at the end of a different opinion than me) and to read the comments more interesting things than in the article to be discussed.


And I have to "Falalafelosophy" see the episode of Arthur, in which I am speaking, and a current writing black cat named Neil Gaiman games. It is the 25th in the States October brought on air, although it was played in Australia and (I think) Canada already.

It's funny and sweet and says things that I believe. I hope that every child who sees it, decides to make his own graphic novel.


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