Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mucus Discharges And Menstruation

Personal Assistant and why I am so happy

Saturday, 9 October 2010, SENT BY NEIL at 15:52

I have very wonderful wizard.

Really. I am very happy. First, and I think forever, there's Lorraine, which is now my personal assistant for over 18 years. This is Lorraine.

you, a friend of a friend, came here in 1992 to help the books on the shelves again to bring in an alphabetical order, shortly after I moved to the States and had brought my books. And she is not gone. She had to acquire new skills, face their fears ( bees! Airports! Grumpy writer! ) and it is wonderful.

Sometimes I hear her on the phone convinced an airline to do things they do not actually do, and if they do, would It cost me thousands, and then she hangs up and says, "Is everything arranged. You have to pay $ 25 airport tax extra, but you have the new route around the world in over Hobart ... "It's really magic.

Somewhere in between she filled her home with Bengali nursing cats, bought a horse, played the violin and sang in various musical connections, a fan club managed, rejected offers from other writers and organizations, telling them that they care for their own business should, and recently made himself fit. She says, in connection with the American Gods meetings HOUSE ON THE ROCK she is happy most of the practice with the Roller Derby girls.

And now she's degree in holiday, for the first time in twelve years. (It's not that I'm a particularly nasty employer, honest. It is difficult for them to move. The Bengal are out of step, and this is just the beginning.) But when I was invited to OctoCon, the SF Convention in Dublin, and put them back for me was, she mentioned that she always wanted to Ireland.

will be the So Fabulous Lorraine next week host the OctoCon . It will also most of the week to go hiking in Ireland.

As a side effect of their Fitwerdens she has lost 25 pounds over the last few months and nothing fits her more. That has not prevented from walking.

We have discovered that the price falls for her ticket when she flies from Rochester and Minneapolis. This is not the comic. The funny thing is that Doctor Dan, our local doctor allowed them to fly in a small plane to Rochester. Small planes make

Lorraine not happy. If I was in a small flying there somewhere, it is unfortunate, and satisfied that they put into it mentally a lot of valuable time must keep the aircraft in the air.

you do it with conviction and let me back happily and amazed. I think it will be a really great time in Ireland.

(Here is Lorraine's Blog on Going to Ireland: and her blog of the day: http: / / )

If you are next week on the octagon or Ireland, please greet them from me.

My other assistant is Cat Mihos, also known as Kitty.

This is Cat. (After a quick Google image search, I took the photo from her MySpace thingy. Every time I have seen them, they had a lot more than here.)

She works not full time. Actually, it is no assistant. On the whole, she is traveling with the likes of Lady Gaga or the Jonas Brothers, circumstances improved for them and their crews. We became friends while working for Tori Amos, seven years ago, and they Maddy taught how to play bowling with lemon .

has between she made the website and sold things they produce and things that are mine: limited print editions, and shirts and mouse pads and the like, in addition to jewelry and magnetic images, which makes it even . (I make no profit with the site, just in case you're wondering, the profit from my people and what they makes and sells goes to the CBLDF .)

If she is in LA and I'm there, she drives me around the area come to meetings with and make my life easier. Here Kitty's blog is about the few days I finally came to her in LA .

It is also a man who handled fan mail, autograph requests, etc. (and if it is to Lady Gaga six months on tour, I hang for quite a bit.)

She is wonderful. She has produced short films and will, I suppose, one day more than anything else film producer.

And she married today.

you marry Drew.

They are Kitty and Drew:

I'm in Baltimore, where the wedding will be this evening. I will wear my amazing black velvet-and-stripes-thing, which made Kambriel for me (as seen here already was: , and there are mermaids for those who missed this party photos in the last blog entry, and also appears on where there are beautiful photos of Kyle and me and my daughter, the indescribable Holly Gaiman, can see).

Cat If you want to give what to the wedding, buying some of the cool Never Wear page. (You will soon be the price of the limited print editions increase, making them accessible when the inventory is shrinking and the prints are all are right now probably the Jim-Lee-print my poem "100 Words" and "Desert Wind" illustrated by Molly Crabapple The patented test things, buy you can do.)

I will tonight, "Instructions" to read Cats wedding. Before that, I still have to wear the posh stuff.

And shave.

Actually ... I should probably stop go better with the blogging and shave me.


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